Tuesday, January 19, 2016

My new default outfit...

yes i have one. for the days i don't want to think. the days i have a mount everest of laundry to do. you know the days. it used to just be leggings and a tshirt….but i've learned that makes me feel like crap about myself. I WANT TO FEEL PRETTY. even if i don't look it. ha! So if its above 40 degrees or so… heres my uniform:

So first off the leggings. I ordered a pair of faux leather leggings from zara a while ago and they are so damn hot (like temperature wise) and they kind of make me feel claustrophobic. so i'm saving them for going out…you know the 3 times a year we're out sans kids. so i was keeping my eyes peeled for a more comfortable/less hot pair. Stumbled upon these gems at target one day when i ran in for baby spoons. they're $16 and heavenly. i even wash AND dry them.

outfit dets:
jacket- forever21. its sold out now but they have this similar one
sweater- vince. it was splurge but its on sale here now
vegan leather leggings- target
shoes- nike
bag- celine mini luggage in black. they don't sell online :| consignment here
sunglasses- miu miu noir catwalk
earrings- dior knockoffs
watch- the horse
bracelet- miansai screw cuff or similar here

And if its really cold out. i swap jackets for my moncler bady puffer and throw on this $8 target beanie

ps. i will ALWAYS hate this side of the camera. but thanks to my sweet huz for the pics.

1 comment:

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