Sunday, November 23, 2014

one month old!

ok. so. they were technically one month old yesterday but we were caught up in an amazing open house shower for the boys for most of the day... so today we did their official one month pictures:

vance is in the white and ellis in the gray. they're still in mostly preemie clothes. ellis can't fit into the really small preemie clothes anymore, which makes sense since he is 6 lbs 8 oz and vance is 5 lbs 10 oz today. they look much more like full term newborn size in pictures, but still look super tiny in person. they are doing absolutely amazing. the ONLY thing keeping them from coming home is their feedings. last week they would offer them the bottle every other feeding (and feeding tube the others) and whatever they didn't finish in their bottle they would put in their feeding tube. this week they are offered the bottle for every feeding and then what they don't finish is put into their feeding tubes. ellis is on 52ml and vance is on 48ml. i would say that they average half a bottle per feeding, sometimes they take the whole thing, sometimes they take a like 5mls, and then the majority of the time they take half. so they are progressing, but it feels so slow. of course no one knows for sure when they will come home, because it all depends on them eating all their bottles, but most are guessing a week or two.

on another note i want to thank everyone that came to our shower yesterday, especially those that threw it for us. it was such a gift in so many ways. we absolutely loved seeing everyone! one of my nurses (barb) even stopped by! we really just needed the big ticket items like carseats, strollers, bassinets, etc and so my mom, stepmom, and best friend had it be a cash/gift card shower (plus we got some awesome gifts too!) its obvious how loved these boys are by so many and i can't wait for them to be able to meet everyone that has prayed for them and supported them along the way (even though it may take a while for that to happen with rsv/flu season)

besides feeling like i am running on all cylinders, i am doing pretty well! still some sore from surgery, still sick of pumping all day and night, still wishing there were more hours in the day. i have so much to be thankful for this year and i'm looking forward to celebrating that on thursday :)

oh!! and so i don't leave out the best big brother out…heres a photo from his bubble bath tonight:


  1. حتى تتمكن من الحصول على جميع خدمات تنظيف خزانات بمكة و بالسعودية بأقل التكاليف قم بالتواصل مع شركة تنظيف خزانات بمكة المتخصصة التي تقدمها شركة العنود

  2. يمكنك الآن الحصول على جميع خدمات مكافحة الصراصير و ايضًا خدمات مكافحة البق و التي تقدمها لكم الشركة الفرنسية المتخصصة في خدمات مكافحة الحشرات و ابادتها مثل ابادة النمل للتخلص منه نهائيًا

  3. تتميز خدمات صيانة يونيفرسال التي تقدمها شركة دليل الصيانات بأنها تتم على يد فريق متخصص ذو خبرة كبيرة في صيانة جميع الاعطال ، كما نقدم خدمات صيانة فريش لجميع العملاء في مصر بأقل التكاليف و الاسعار

  4. حتى تتمكن من الحصول على خدمات مقاولات عامة متميزة ، قم بالتواصل مع شركة اسفلت المتخصصة و التي تقدم خدماتها على يد مقاول اسفلت ذو خبرة و مهارة عالية في خدمات الرصف و المقاولات

  5. احصل الآن على جميع خدمات صيانة معدات مطاعم المتكاملة التي تحتاجها مثل صيانة ايس ميكر و الذي يقدمها لكم موقع دليل التجهيزات عن طريق كبرى الشركات المتخصصة في صيانة المعدات في مصر

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