Tuesday, October 7, 2014

3 0 W E E K S

day 37:
today marks a huge milestone. 30 weeks. when the twins had a huge difference in size and weren't looking healthy, this was the doctors' original goal for us..30 weeks. its such a blessing to be sitting here at 30 weeks knowing were going for 2 more! they say each day in utero is equal to 2-3 days outside in the nicu. so as much as i long to be home, i am VERY grateful for each day the boys get to keep cooking!

i woke up way too late today which ended up making me get on the monitors 30 minutes late. but the NST went great and the boys looked awesome and the same as always. last night we ended up having to get an ultrasound to find baby a for the NST. he is always the bad one. always. he was bad to keep on the monitors this morning too. he just seems so wild and undependable. one of the nurses told me he needs to have the strong middle name since i will have to say his full name to him a lot. haha! thats honestly how i think we should go about naming them now. anyway! this morning during my NST, sweet laura smothers stopped by and brought me a chickfila chicken biscuit! thanks laura for thinking of me!!!!

the NST looked great. after i finally got off i ran downstairs to meet my mom, simms, and hallie for lunch. thank you mom for bringing lunch and clean laundry. i feel so bad because all i do is thank people. such a helpless feeling to not be able to do hardly anything yourself or anything in return.. speaking of, hallie brought me these………

soooooo gotta finish those before my final round of steroids (i have to get blood sugars taken while i am getting my steroids) haha! but seriously she's the best friend ever (and not just for these) and i love her tons. my friend alexis also came by! she sent us a bundle of diapers from the honest co which is our favorite! THANK YOU!!! oh! and last night i got an email saying i had a starbucks gift card from rosemary petrone!! so huge shout out to rosemary for giving the gift of happiness! haha!!

i get to have my picc line dressing changed today but the horrible news is the nurse i requested to do it is out sick today. i have no idea who is doing it now :((((((( i guess thats all the news i have for today. happy i don't have much to report besides my giant belly and some candy corn rice krispy treats. doc towers said we will pick an exact day for the csection a week from today. looking forward to that so i can start a countdown, but trying to be mindful and enjoy being pregnant as much as i can in case its the last time that i am.

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