Thursday, October 9, 2014

changed the twins names

day 39:
last night was great. my dad and debbie brought wasabi and we all ate together in the cafeteria. simms was his usual hysterical self and pulled the carrot out of his mouth and threw it on the ground and said "yuck!" apparently he'd rather have shrimp and chicken and shrimp sauce. cal said the other day, and i have to agree, he is so good for us because we see how fun life gets with kids. newborns are hard…. but simms age is so much fun! anyway. last night after we got back from dinner i was shocked to see maureen was back to work. she wasn't supposed to be back for another day or two so i was thrilled to get to have her! my other nurse barb gets back from vacation this weekend too! i looooove having all my favorite and familiar nurses back. i was thinking today how weird its going to be once i deliver because i will go to a different place on this floor called mother-baby. its a whole different set of nurses and i won't know anyone. last nights NST went well. maureen said there was just a 30 minute span where she saw some variables but nothing to be worried about.

today my friend courtney marzhal came while i was on the monitors and brought chickfila breakfast and a huge bag of goodies for the twins and simms. the stuff for simms was a HUGE hit, especially the bubbles! thank you so much courtney!!

the morning NST looked good with one small decel. my mom and i ate lunch downstairs in the cafeteria. they have been having a book fair all week, which includes christmas decorations. they kind of depress me because it shows how long i have been here. when i came it was summer.

we came back from lunch to find a delivery!! cals family (al, maury, katie, and mitch) sent my favorite plant, succulents! its gorgeous!!!

cal and i have been talking about changing the twins middle names for the past few days. we both decided we wanted them to have biblical names instead of what we had chosen. they are such miracles, we need to give credit where its due. so after much debate heres the new names:

ellison "ellis" abel - meaning breath
vance thomas - meaning twin

well. thats about all i've got for today.

13 days left!

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