Thursday, September 18, 2014

6:45am visit

day 18:
last night's NST went well. the boys looked good! baby a had a low baseline for a little while that worried my nurse some but the doctors were fine with it today when they looked at the strips. i had some contractions again, but nothing to write home about. they said it just bound to happen as the uterus stretches more.

oh and since libby hadn't come when i wrote my blog last night, i have to give her a huge shout out now. she brought us an amazing dinner from surin of thailand that was somehow so hot that i had to wait for it to cool off! i told her she was some kind of miracle worker! plus she threw in some buttermilk sky pies AND a doctor kit for simms (which he loves!!) libby you are too much!!!!! THANK YOU!!

simms offered to volunteer as tribute:

so back to today! i was woken up in the pitch black at 6:45 am by a strange man coming in my room. i was dead asleep (something i hadn't done most of the night because my throat hurt so bad.) the man said "hannnnnaaahh?? is this your room????" all i could think was


then i realized i recognized that voice and it was one of my best friends jeff hammond. he had some meetings in town today (he lives in south carolina) and he woke up at 3am and drove in town. Apparently thought 6:45 am was an appropriate time to visit?!?! hahah.. i wish i could've been more awake and actually gotten to comprehend what was happening! come back jeff! and bring ali and wren next time!!! i guess if you have to get woken up that early, its better if one of your best friends does it, right?! i should also add that he brought me breakfast, which i wasn't awake enough to eat. but thanks for breakfast and coming to see me jeff!

he left and i got on the monitors for the morning NST. same ole same ole. boys looked great. few contractions. time barely ticking by all morning. i turned on eat pray love to help pass that time and boy did that movie suck. i think it actually made the time go by slower than when i wasn't watching anything. 

my mom came up with simms after lunch and brought me two packages i had gotten at home. i knew one was the molton brown products i ordered because i was so tired of never smelling good. i only get to take one SHOWER a day instead of my normal two BATHS a day. I've complained so much to everyone about being out of good smelling lotions and out of my perfume. i didn't want cal to have to go buy me more perfume though because i hate giving him more things to do. he has ZERO free time. well i open my other box and its my chanel perfume!!!!! and its this size:
kelly crawley you are absolutely ridiculous and have completely spoiled me. this was the best surprise ever!!!!! and i don't think ill ever have to buy perfume again. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! 

i knew i was going to be having an ultrasound and my mom has never gotten to go to one yet, so i was hoping they would call me up while she was here. she was here a while and it was getting to be simms nap time so i told her she could go. just as we loaded simms up in the stroller they called me up for the ultrasound! luckily the ultrasound was uneventful. they just checked cord flow and everything was looking good. i think they were either in a competition to do the worlds fastest ultrasound or it was time for them to go home. ill get my growth ultrasound on monday and can't wait for that. i've only gained 2 lbs in the past 3 weeks but hopefully its all on those babies! their faces did look a little fatter on the ultrasound!

i came back down and took a nap since i didn't sleep well last night. then tonight cal came up and our friends blair and jessica webber brought up dinner AND thumbprint cookies AND petit fours (from village bakery, which are to die for!) we have gotten totally spoiled by our family and friends. its so humbling because i can never begin to repay everyone for what they've done. its so hard for me to just accept things. 

i'm about to eat ANOTHER petit four and hopefully sleep through the rest of this NST. praying for no need for emergency csection tonight because apparently the whole l&d dept is full and 4 people are waiting just to get into triage because its full too! lots of babies happening up here tonight! hopefully just not mine :)

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