Thursday, September 4, 2014

nurse ratched

day 5:
nurse ratched.

my day shift threw the door open to my room at the crack of dawn, turned the lights on and pulled up my shirt to get a doppler of the babies. such a great way to be woken up. good morning everyone! she was so rough and seemed so rushed. like soOOOoooo rushed. she didn't introduce herself, or write her name or phone number on my board. she blew out of here as fast as she came in. heres a quick pic i got of us together this morning...
 (jk. obvi.)

i got up and showered because my aunt said she was bringing simms first thing in the morning. cals old boss and her sister came by while i was getting ready and brought more slutty brownies (HALLELUJAH!!!!!) or "woman at the well" brownies as they call them. morning came and went with no simms. i let it go and knew he would be up at some point eventually today plus i knew stephanie was coming to bring me lunch and i was really looking forward to seeing her!

nurse ratched came back to check vitals and said "WHERE IS YOUR BLOOD PRESSURE CUFF?" and i about said "theres no telling what you did with it in your tornado this morning you big whore!" but seriously. i couldn't believe she was acting like i had something to do with the missing cuff. get real. i've got better things to measure my pee in the hat thing they put in the toilet. which. let me just say. is beyond dumb. this has never been an issue and still isn't an issue. my kidneys and bladder work great and i have peed the amount a normal person would in a whole day by noon every day that they have made me do it. not an issue. can i please quit measuring my pee.

anyway! after she went and got a new blood pressure cuff and checked my vitals, she went to check the babies on the doppler. she had a hard time finding baby b for a minute and said "hope he's not dying on me!" what a HILARIOUS joke. this woman is the whore of all whores. i've tried the whole day to kill her with kindness. theres been moments of hope for her, but she always goes back to her whore self. i was really disappointed to have her today of all days because today is the day that my emergency iv line had to be taken out and changed and Lord knows i don't want her doing it. i was honestly going to let her forget if she did and let someone do it tomorrow and risk the infection. she didn't forget. she starts looking around at veins in my hand and i quickly said "nope. not happening." i need my hands. i use my phone and computer the entire day, its basically the only thing i can do up here. you aren't about to cripple them with an unused iv line. you can tell she's totally pissed about it and she ties the rubber band on my arm and looks around for my invisible veins that no one can ever find. she says again "the veins in your hand looks really good." again "nope." if i can refuse any meds i will also refuse this if you try one more time to suggest that. she then says she can try my right wrist (other iv was on the left wrist) but says "you're going to have to take off all these bracelets." ok. i will take off my david yurmans but i tell her i don't take off my gold bracelets. of course she is totally annoyed but i can easily push them out of her way. shut up whore. she gets the iv in fine. then tapes the dangly part of the line on basically the palm of my hand. i give up. get out of my room. as soon as she leaves i take the tape off myself and fix it so that my right hand is usable again.

so stephanie comes! and brings an amazing lunch of my favorite soup from cherokee and mac and cheese from bravo! thank you steph for everything!!!! xoxox! while she is here my aunt comes in with my monkey! he wasn't in the best mood. he's getting another tooth thats really bothering him. i felt so bad for him :( i fed him some mac and cheese and blueberries (his fav!) and he cheered up. he continued to talk about "doodoo, truck, and dada" for a second i was kind of sad he isn't saying mama now. but i am so proud of all cal has done. he has totally stepped up to the plate in a way i didn't know he could. he gets up early, takes simms to my aunts, goes to work in lenoir city, then goes and picks simms and dinner up and comes up here. then has to go home and wash bottles, give simms a bath, and put him to bed. he's one amazing dad. so anyway! i show gail (my aunt) how simms loves to look at google images of yorkies and laughs at all the dogs. every time i showed him a dog he said "dada!" sooo maybe this whole time simms has been talking about dogs! hahahaha. no longer sad. (poll: do you think you resemble a yorkie?)

my possessed bed started acting possessed again today. i called ratched in and showed her. she finally did something worth a damn and agreed i needed a new bed. she called maintenance and i am all setup with what appears to be, a normal bed. she hooked me up for my 2pm NST so simms and gail left. i always dread the afternoon NSTs because the boys are so wild and impossible to keep on at that time. she got them on almost immediately and they stayed on for the full hour with no problems. it was a miracle! meghan and anna came by and brought me some candy! i just love seeing familiar faces, especially theirs! thank y'all for coming to see me!! when ratched came to unhook me from the NST she said baby b had one decel that worried the nurses but the resident doctor didn't seem concerned about it. i think ill ask doc hennessey for his opinion. (for anyone wondering it was down in the 90s for about 45 seconds)

::doc hennessey just came by while i was typing!::

he hasn't seen todays NSTs yet but said he will check. he also told me that he wrote for me to be able to walk around the hospital (i think he called it ad lib??) and wondered why the nurse hasn't told me that today.. GEEEEEEE I WONDER!!!!!! i told him that i found out last night that we have started the process to be able to bring bendel up!! the best news ever that pets can come for visitation if you are expected to be here a while. he thought that was amazing and had no idea! before we could talk anymore he got called out for a csection. glad its not mine.

tonight rachel and blake are bringing me, cal, and simms dinner tonight. so excited to see them! i have been blown away with everyones kindness and prayers. God has provided us with such an amazing support system. it means so so much to us! thank you all! overall it was a good day for the twins. no news is good news i guess! and having one of the world's worst nurses today has made for a very interesting blog post! so thanks nurse ratched!

1 comment:

  1. Laughed til I cried at your nurse stories then laughe again reading it out loud to Daniel. You're amazing!!
