Monday, September 29, 2014

crisis averted

day 29:
so last night the NST went well. everything looked the same as always. my nurse came in to take me off the monitor at midnight and brought my meds with her, like always. ever since i have been sick i have been taking ambien so i can sleep, otherwise i stay up all night with drainage and coughing. so i take my ambien and other meds, she unhooks the NST, and she goes to flush my picc line. after she gets done doing it, were talking about houses and stuff. i feel something wet on my arm and wipe it off. i assume some of the saline syringe had dripped on my arm, so i don't even look. we keep on talking and i feel my arm is wet again so this time i look…blood everywhere. she runs and turns the light on and wipes off my arm. we are both totally confused. blood continues to drip out of it (even with the green cap on the end!!) she goes to call someone from the picc team to figure out what to do and i of course had to take a picture...

when she comes back she still didn't have a real answer as to what was wrong. while she was gone i realized that the line that was bleeding was about an inch shorter than the other. it was very obvious and they used to be the same length. so then i am totally freaked out, wondering how the hell this line had gotten pushed further into my body and wondering if now its in my heart or something!? after i told her it was shorter she went back out to call. they said to her "are you sure its shorter??" clearly everyone was totally baffled. she comes back and says the guy on call for the picc line team will come in, but he isn't at the hospital. she also says i might have to get an X-ray to try and figure out where this line has gone. all i could think was "this is going to be LOADS of fun on ambien!!! except NOT" she clamps off that line so it won't continue to bleed and i go to the bathroom. i'm sitting there staring at it trying to figure it out and I DO. i came running out saying "i know what happened!!" the line bleeding was missing the clear piece at the end…

so when she had flushed it and unscrewed the flush it also unscrewed the clear piece, which is a valve and stops everything from coming back out of it. she went and checked the trash and there it was on the end of the flush! so she got me a new clear piece and crisis averted. so i finally got to bed around 1 and didn't have to spend the whole night with radiology and the picc team! praise the Lord!

this mornings NST went well also. nothing to report there thankfully! after i got done cal's cousin, mary bailey, came up and brought lunch! y'all. she is over 40 weeks pregnant herself and out bringing me lunch. i mean… could she have more of a servant heart?! the sweetest. thanks for lunch mb!! she also went with me for my ultrasound since they called me up during lunch.

the ultrasound looked great. both boys are still vertex (head down) and the cord flow looked great even though it looks like a big jumbled mess…

i won't get another growth ultrasound until next monday but i am hoping they will be around 3 lbs each by then. who knows though. they told me that twins grow like a single baby until about 28 weeks and then they drop off the growth chart. so i'm curious what they will be like next monday (i'll be 29 weeks and 6 days for it) doc towers said everything looked great and asked if i wanted to pick a date for the csection.. "UM OF COURSE!".. he pulls out his calendar and says "ok it'll be sometime between october 21-28" so basically anytime in my 32nd week…haha not sure thats "a date" he said the exact day will depend more on how many decels they are having on the NST. he also said that i would get another round of steroids today and tomorrow, then the next round a couple days before i deliver (they last about 2 weeks.) i haven't gotten the steroids yet today and i am NOT complaining.

we got a pretty good 3d today of baby a's face smashed into baby b's head.

when i got back from the ultrasound i asked my nurse, don, if i could go see the room i was going to have the csection in (OR room 4)…yes i am totally weird. she was like "are you sure thats not going to freak you out!?" but i like to know whats coming. i like to be as prepared as i can be, even mentally. she had to go ask the charge nurse because i am sure i am the first person to ever have this request but she came back with a gown, shoes, and hat for me to put on and said i could go!

it wasn't bad!! i am so glad i went. she walked me through the whole process of what would happen and who all would be in the room. its going to be a LOT of people. i am sure i will be a nervous wreck when the time actually comes, but at least it won't be totally foreign now.

tonight my dad is bringing us up dinner which is major for us. its so hard for cal to work all day, then go pick simms up, pick up dinner, and then come here. not to mention all the things he has to do after he leaves here. so thank you dad for dinner!!!!! it can't be much easier for my dad to get dinner either with how busy he is. so it sure means a lot. looking forward to seeing my family tonight :) hope everyone had a good monday!

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