Friday, September 19, 2014


day 19:
today i woke up at 7:30 and of course jumped in the shower before i had to get on the monitors. the nst went great. boys looked good! i had my few random contractions. nothing new. i couldn't wait to get off because i knew my dad was bringing lunch. i told him i just wanted a sandwich from somewhere, something easy on him. he's busy and doesn't need to deal with getting me some ridiculous lunch. but of course thats exactly what he did. he came walking in with rankins lunch and rita's thumbprint cookies. two of my favorite things! both are light years away from here and it was such a sweet thing for him to go get them both! especially because i feel like absolute crap with a sinus infection. obviously food is our love language. thank you dad!!!!!!!
right as i finished up lunch and he was leaving my friend melanie sanchez (owner of almadiem) got here. she had written me a few weeks ago asking if i would want a prenatal massage and DUH who says no to that!? melanie is unreal. not only is she a licensed massage therapist, she's a doula, motivational speaker, and a pro at just about any other healing art you can think of. lets just say a-list celebrities have been flying her out to L.A. to assist in their pregnancies and births. she's the real deal y'all. i was like "why on earth have you offered to do this for ME!!?" and she told me that God has given her this gift and she felt called to use gift it to me. man thats humbling. another gift i totally don't deserve that God has provided. i only hope that i can repay her for everything one day! before she left she laid her hands on my belly and said a prayer for the boys and me. i hope her zest for life rubs off on me! thank you for everything melanie!!

after she left i took a nap until my mom came up with simms and we all played until cal got here with dinner. he picked up chicken from the new place on the strip (cane's.) he got me chicken and fries and got simms just chicken. so i'm eating and have my food beside simms and simms starts taking my fries and moving them to his box. he ends up moving all of them but maybe 3. leaves me with hardly any dinner and then starts taking his fries and chicken and dipping them in the sauce. this kid is his father's son (cal is a sauce fanatic.) we were dying laughing. he basically used the fries as spoons for the sauce.

they just left and here i am writing this and sitting on the monitors. i feel like crap and am hoping they'll give me something to sleep. when i asked for antibiotics for my sinus infection, they brought me saline spray. i took it and tossed it in my bag and laughed. what the HELL is that going to do to cure my infection? NOTHING. THATS WHAT. it was just a few weeks ago i was on antibiotics for an unknown reason and now that i feel like death i get saline spray. free saline spray if anyone wants it!

well the computer in my lap is knocking the babies off the monitor so i'll be done for tonight. hope everyone has a great friday night :)

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