Wednesday, September 17, 2014

sore throat

day 17:
last night's NST was nice and boring. had contractions but nothing major. slept good besides having a sore arm from the new picc line.

i woke up earlier than usual today so i jumped in the shower. doc hennessey came by and had no news to report. no news is good news. we did my morning NST and the boys looked great on it too. again, more contractions. actually the most i had seen, but no one was concerned. cal and simms got up here with lunch just a few minutes before i was done with it and brought some firehouse :))) when my nurse came in to take me off the monitors she did my vitals and i had a slight fever, i had also had one when she took my morning vitals but she hadn't told me. then it dawned on me that my throat had been hurting and i told her. she brought me some tylenol and it took care of the fever. weird to have one and not even feel fevery. i was hoping the tylenol would make my arm a little less sore too, but it didn't.  simms did his normal "get crumbs all over every damn inch of my room" thing and then we all took a walk outside. … it feels amazing outside! simms showed me his new squirrel noise cal has taught him, which was hilarious. he has suddenly started learning so much so fast. i love this age!

when we came back up to the room, he was being horrible and needed a nap so cal left. i decided just to rest after they left since my throat hurt. i dozed in and out and woke up to my mom sitting in here and then shawna came in too! she had gotten flowers to take to another friend in the hospital, but her friend wasn't allowed to have flowers in the room, so i got them! thanks shawna! someone else knocked on the door and it was insomnia cookies. cal had sent me a dozen! somehow a few of his favorite flavors snuck their way in..hahah.. fine with me, i don't need to be eating all of them anyways! then there was another knock and i got an edible arrangement from my cousin and his family (thank you so much chris, amanda, cade, and anna neal) i've actually already eaten it all.. haha!

my sweet friend libby offered to bring us up dinner tonight in the midst of her already chaotic life! so she will be here soon with surin of thailand! thank you libby!!!!!! any chance i have to not eat hospital food, i will gladly accept!

pretty uneventful day. I'm grateful for that. thanks for the continued prayers. the boys continue to surprise everyone with their great NSTs and i know its from the power of prayer.

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